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July 10-14th: Zanesville, OH - Pottery Lovers 2012

July 21-22nd: Chicago, IL - 44th Annual Garden Walk

July 28-29th: Buffalo, NY - Buffalo Garden Walk

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"Vintage Photo of American Bungalow Headquarters- Sierra Madre, CA The bungalow that started it all! https://t.co/6SqRwXfT"
6 days ago
"RT @bungalowxchange: @AmBungalow Just got the new issue. Another job well done. Great kitchen article too! Thanks for the inspiration!"
8 days ago
"Garden Eye Candy... Houston Bungalow http://t.co/HPsgmAqX"
21 days ago

Event Calendar

« Prev May 2012 Next »
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
* Pasadena Indian Art ShowPasadena Indian Art Show

We invite you to spend two days immersing yourself in the finest Native American art and artifacts and the exceptional Western Americana antiques and contemporary offerings. Cowboys and Indians — together in one show!
Time: 10:00AM - 6:00PM Saturday
10:00AM - 4:00PM Sunday

* Out And About WrightOut And About Wright

Springfield, IL: Out And About Wright: Prairie Architecture In The Illinois Heartland. Out and About Wright participants will begin their day with an extended tour of the Dana-Thomas House and a trip to the Lawrence Educational Center to see the Lawrence Memorial Library before traveling to Millikin Place to see the Irving house, both Mueller houses and the historic Millikin Homestead.

* 2012 Spring House Tour2012 Spring House Tour

Berkeley, CA: BAHA’s 2012 spring house tour will explore a neighborhood of hillside homes. But here’s the catch: these homes are not in the Berkeley Hills, where you would expect to find them. They were built on a steep and isolated knoll—the so-called Garber Street Hill—that rises just a block east of College Avenue. A bit of an anomaly in an otherwise flat area of Berkeley, this striking geological feature is not as apparent to the casual observer today as it would have been when the Claremont and Elmwood neighborhoods were still grassy fields.

* Pasadena Indian Art ShowPasadena Indian Art Show

We invite you to spend two days immersing yourself in the finest Native American art and artifacts and the exceptional Western Americana antiques and contemporary offerings. Cowboys and Indians — together in one show!
Time: 10:00AM - 6:00PM Saturday
10:00AM - 4:00PM Sunday

* AIC's 40th Annual MeetingAIC's 40th Annual Meeting

Albuquerque, New Mexico: The theme of this annual meeting will be outreach and advocacy in conservation, an exploration of how conservation connects with allied professionals, the press, our clients and the general public.

* AIC's 40th Annual MeetingAIC's 40th Annual Meeting

Albuquerque, New Mexico: The theme of this annual meeting will be outreach and advocacy in conservation, an exploration of how conservation connects with allied professionals, the press, our clients and the general public.

* AIC's 40th Annual MeetingAIC's 40th Annual Meeting

Albuquerque, New Mexico: The theme of this annual meeting will be outreach and advocacy in conservation, an exploration of how conservation connects with allied professionals, the press, our clients and the general public.

* AIC's 40th Annual MeetingAIC's 40th Annual Meeting

Albuquerque, New Mexico: The theme of this annual meeting will be outreach and advocacy in conservation, an exploration of how conservation connects with allied professionals, the press, our clients and the general public.

* Fairmount Historic Home TourFairmount Historic Home Tour

Fortworth, TX: The Fairmount Tour of Homes highlights the beautiful homes that we have in our historic neighborhood. Each year, six to ten homes are selected for the tour and hundreds and hundreds of people tour these homes to appreciate the architecture and take a step back in time.

* Huntington's Japanese GardenHuntington's Japanese Garden

San Marino, CA: History and Restoration of the Huntington’s Japanese Garden. Japanese garden expert and Asian art professor Kendall Brown along with architect Kelly Sutherlin McLeod, AIA will discuss the much anticipated restoration of the historic Japanese Garden at The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens.
Time: 9:00AM

* Mother's Day Home TourMother's Day Home Tour

Monrovia, CA: Each year on the second Sunday in May (Mother’s Day), MOHPG sponsors a tour of homes in Monrovia. Five to seven homes, representing the wide variety of vintage structures which helps make Monrovia a desirable place to live, are opened to the public. Over 200 volunteers, many who do not belong to the organization, work many hours to make a success of the tour, MOHPG’s only fundraiser. Visitors from outside the immediate area are delighted to discover this “gem” of restored and well-maintained homes. A typical year will find 800-1000 “lookie-loos” spending up to six hours (the homes are open from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.) exploring the homes and delving into each house’s unique history.
Time: 10:00AM - 4:00PM

* Fairmount Historic Home TourFairmount Historic Home Tour

Fortworth, TX: The Fairmount Tour of Homes highlights the beautiful homes that we have in our historic neighborhood. Each year, six to ten homes are selected for the tour and hundreds and hundreds of people tour these homes to appreciate the architecture and take a step back in time.

* Irvington Home TourIrvington Home Tour

Portland, OR: The Home Tour is a special day where we show our pride in this wonderful neighborhood. The Home Tour is the sole source of revenue for the ICA, which uses the funds exclusively to support local charities and neighborhood projects.
Time: 11:00AM - 5:00PM


Have any upcoming events you would like American Bungalow to add? Please let us know by filling out the form below and we will get back to you shortly!