Easy Ways to Sneak Some Superfoods Into Your Daily Diet

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The benefits: Anti-everything: anticancer, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory The best ways to eat it: If raw Fresh Garlic is a bit too pungent for you, roast some to bring out its sweetness. Add sea salt and olive oil to your roasted garlic, then spread on toast for some delicious Peeled Garlic jam. If your taste buds prefer a punch of flavor, chop a few fresh cloves and add them to your salad dressing; now, when your breath smells like someone let an animal die inside you, you will know that you are protecting your body from every disease ever.


The benefits: Anti-inflammatory; anticarcinogen; digestive aid The best ways to eat Fresh Ginger: Forget the sugar-loaded ginger ale and gingerbread cookies. Choose the r

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