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Front yard fence ideas - corner lot
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 Front yard fence ideas - corner lot
I would really appreciate everyone's thoughts on this -- we have a 1918 bungalow (it's modestly Craftsman influenced - really almost more colonial). We are on a corner lot - in the front is a very busy road, and we have a fairly busy side street on one side (our driveway comes in off of this side street to the back). The other side yard (that we share with a neighbor) we have fenced with a fairly typical picket fence. Our large dog and toddler are quickly outgrowing the small fenced side yard. Plus, we're expecting another baby this summer. We would really like to enjoy our front yard and porch, and the other side yard -- but without a fence it's too nerve-wracking -- constantly racing off the porch to watch the toddler and not letting the dog out except on a leash. We live in an historic district, but fences are not regulated - also, local Codes requires only that it not exceed 36 inches and be 4 feet from the intersection. So basically we have alot of leeway. However, of course we'd like something that is in keeping with the neighborhood. On our street the houses range from Queen Anne's, bungalows, Georgian, Victorians, etc -- a real mix. And we would be one of the only houses on our street with a fenced-in front yard. Most that do have fences have old iron fences. I'm afraid fencing our whole yard might make it look a little like a compound. We've considered just replicating the picket fence that we have, but I'm also interested in ornamental double-loop fencing. Does anyone have an ideas and/or resources for us? If you've made it all the way through this post, I appreciate your perseverence!
Tue Mar 14, 2006 3:28 pm |
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 6:16 pm Posts: 4 Location: Denver, CO
 Re: Front yard fence ideas - corner lot
We're probably going to use a picket style fence for our yard with a lot of lanscaping to cover it up. Flowers and stuff on the outside and some american elders or something on the inside that will hang/grow over it. Maybe even a tree or two. Hoping to give the fence some depth - plus, the vegetation should allow a little more privacy and noise reduction without having an ugly privacy fence.
Wed Mar 22, 2006 5:36 pm |
Joined: Thu May 13, 2004 9:28 pm Posts: 959 Location: Laurel Montana
 Re: Front yard fence ideas - corner lot
We have the double loop fencing for our house (got it from a cemetary that was replacing theirs) and it is great. However I think with the style of house you describe I'd lean more towards picket fencing or the iron. I seem to remember someone mentioning one time that you would generally just see the iron fencing on the front of the house and then the wicket/double loop along the side. Something that you should consider is that the picket fencing would "break" up the road sound more than something like the wire fencing does. If you do go down the wire fencing road I'd make sure to have decorative posts. good luck tanya
_________________ tanya Grounds keeper at Briar Rose Cottage.
Wed Mar 22, 2006 6:22 pm |
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