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round top storm door 
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Joined: Sat Nov 01, 2008 7:44 pm
Posts: 2
Post round top storm door
I have a problem that I am hoping that you can help me with. I have a 78 year old tudor home with a beautiful old arched wooden front door. One of the previous owners installed an heavy metal aluminum storm door which seems to do a good job with keeping out drafts and provides some additional insulation. However, the screen/storm door appears to be a bit warped and aging and their is a large uneven space all around where the door touches the frame. I have put on all sorts of sticky foam weatherstripping, but it is not only a bit unsightly, but I am concerned that it is not going to last very long.
1)Is it possible that the aluminum door has warped and needs to be replaced? Is it possible that it is the wooden frame? If not, then do you have any suggestions for how to weatherstrip it since it is so uneven?
2)If I do need to replace it,are there any sorts of arched top storm doors that will provide an additional layer of insulation and make a good seal around the frame? How about if it were a wood door? Do wood doors last as long as aluminum? Obviously wood will look better, but I don't know about its insulation and durability? Any vendors that you recommend?
Thanks much!

Mon Nov 03, 2008 7:43 pm Profile

Joined: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:13 pm
Posts: 10
Post Re: round top storm door
hey mike, I know of a company in ohio that manufactures these special shape storms out of aluminum. they are all aluminum and can insulate them as well. Aluminum lasts much longer than wood. the name of the company is arch angle window and door,
hope this helps and good luck!

Mon Nov 10, 2008 7:39 pm Profile
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