Re: 1910 replacement window suggestions?
If you look at some of the older message on this site, you will find that the preference is to keep your older original windows and work on making them more energy efficient. The original windows were designed so that home owners can do some basic maintenance and keep the windows for 100 years or more. Newer replacement windows will never pay back the costs and you may potentially be replacing the replacement in another 10 years. I was going to suggest using the search tool and searching the older posts but the search function seems to be having issues. Here is one older discussion
http://www.americanbungalow.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=28404I went back into some of my older information and here's a list of links on saving and restoring your older original windows as opposed to replacing them
http://www.oldhousejournal.com/magazine/2006/april/sash-windows.shtmlhttp://homeenergy.org/archive/hem.dis.anl.gov/eehem/97/970908.htmlhttp://www.oldhouseweb.com/how-to-advice/windows/historic-wood-windows/http://www.preservationnation.org/issues/weatherization/http://www.preservationnation.org/issues/weatherization/windows/windows-faq.htmlhttp://www.apti.org/publications/Past-Bulletin-Articles/Sedovic-36-4.pdfhttp://www.historichomeworks.com/http://kilian.stores.yahoo.net/sprinbronwea.htmlhttp://www.amazon.com/Working-Windows-Guide-Repair-Restoration/dp/155821707XThe book "Working Windows" will give you all the key points you need to know to work on your windows. John Leeke's Historic HomeWorks™ has a lot of preservation info as well.
The next two links are from my local neighborhood association
http://www.sierra2.org/scna_info/windows.pdfhttp://www.sierra2.org/viewpoint_articles/november_2003/rehab.htmYou'll find some fanatical folks on the old house web discussion if you're interested in getting more "advice"
http://www.oldhouseweb.com/forums/Personally, I am restoring my windows. I think that the older original windows are the eyes to an older home. I drive around my neighborhood and am heartbroken when I see good old growth wood windows yanked for cheap petroleum based replacements. It's easy to see what homes have replacement windows.
Good luck with your new bungalow. Post some pictures of your bungalow. We are voyeurs at heart...