Table of Contents
Number 18
Summer 1998 (Purchase Here)
A Letter from the Publisher
Open House: Letters to the Editor
Opinions and suggestions from our readers.
Family Album
Eight more distinctive bungalows from house-proud owners.
A Roycroft State of Mind
by Kitty Turgeon
A visit to Hubbard’s Arts and Crafts Colony.
Arts & Crafts Lodges
Sleep in a Utopian Village
The Roycroft Inn welcomes visitors to its Craftsman suites.
Charles Limbert: Variety in Arts and Crafts Furniture
by Patricia Bartinique
Fine furniture collectibles from an Arts and Crafts master.
Rio Grande High Style Furniture Craftsmen
by Elmo Baca
Review by Meg Lindsay.
Bungalow Court Rebuilds Lives
by Melissa Pitman
A historic court offers a second chance to succeed.
Pewabic Pottery: Breaking the Mold
by Alan Harrison
Michigan’s art pottery is alive and well in Motor City, USA.
Rising from the Ashes
by Alan Harrison
An Arkansas bungalow is reborn after a devastating fire.
Holton Furniture and Frame
by Peter Bennett
From The Advisory Board
The View from Above
by Tim Counts
American Bungalow News
Winter and Spring events, preservation upgrades and news from the Arts and Crafts world.
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