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Issue 20

Issue 20

Table of Contents
Number 20
Winter 1998 (Purchase Here)


Brand-New Bungalows
Greene and Greene on the Pacific
by Brett Harrison
An oceanfront dream home combines high-tech amenities and old-time workmanship.

Arts & Crafts Lodges
Death Valley Days at the Historic Furnace Creek Inn
by Peter Bennett
Visiting a Mission-style oasis in the hottest place around

Show Us What You’ve Done:
Rescuing a Craftsman Cottage
by Meg Lindsay
Ressurecting a rental bungalow with faux finishes and sweat equity.

History Finds a Home in Monrovia
by Bruce and Lyn Carter
A spirit of renovation triggers rebirth of pride in one Southern California town.

Tips for Tile Collecting
by Richard D. Mohr
First of a two-part article on what to look for when beginning an American art tile collection.

Winter Frosts the Bungalow
Snowy weather brings out warm memories of hearth and home.

by Marjorie Sutherland
Timeless words from The Craftsman on moments of perfect joy.


A Letter from the Publisher

Open House: Letters to the Editor
Opinions and suggestions from our readers.

Family Album
Eight more distinctive bungalows from house-proud owners.

Living Architecture: A Biography of H. H. Richardson
by James F. O’Gorman
Review by Robert Winter

Product Review
American Bungalow test drives a CD-ROM version of The Craftsman.

Setting High Standards: United Crafts
by Peter Bennett
Sarah Wildasin applies her Wall-Street skills to producing quality Arts and Crafts reproductions.

From The Advisory Board
Meaningful Work
by Robert Schweitzer
The philosophy of the Arts and Crafts movement rings a familiar bell in the ’90s.

American Bungalow News
Winter and Spring events, preservation upgrades and news from the Arts and Crafts world.

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